
Shuriken / Ninja Star

Shuriken Three star knife
- boleh di lipat
- boleh jadi pisau 
Harga : RM 60

Shuriken (genuine)
each pcs : 25 RM
Minimum buy 2 pcs
A. How to Purchase (Bagaimana cara membeli): 1. Write the name of item and how many items do you want (Tulis nama barang dan berapa pcs yang nak dibeli).
2. Write your complete name, address with your postal code (Tulis nama lengkap anda, alamat dan kode post).
3. Send via email or comment in this page  to : (Kirim via  email  atau comment kat page ini :)
name: Fathimah qosimy @Ni Galih Anggraeni
sms : 0133577405
4. Message or email will be replied
5. Transfer the money (include the price of item and charge of delivery/post) to : (Uang dihantar (termasuk harga barang dan biaya post/penghantaran) ke :

Bank Muamalat (Branch : Parit Buntar – Perak)
Name : Ni Galih Anggraeni
No. Account : 0801 – 0012258 – 72 -8

atau :

Bank Islam (Branch : Parit Buntar - Perak)
Name : Sudibyo
No. Account : 08 - 022 - 02 - 032413 -9


CIMB BANK (Branch : Parit Buntar - Perak )
Name : Sudibyo
No. Account : 0806-00857- 62527

6. The items will be send to your address (Barang akan dihantar ke alamat anda)
B. Biaya penghantaran barang [Charge of delivery (via post Malaysia)]: 
For Peninsular malaysia (Untuk semenanjung Malaysia):
Weight : 0 – 2 kg
Rates : 7 RM
For Sabah and Serawak – Malaysia (Via air – Pos Malaysia):
Weight : 0 – 1 kg
Rates : 10 RM
For Singapore (surface parcel – Pos Malaysia):
Weight : 1 kg
Rates : 16 RM
Others Country: Follow Pos Malaysia Regulation

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